spanish with movies, tv and audio

These innovative courses are for people who have studied Spanish but still find it challenging to participate in real conversations with native Spanish speakers. We focus on auhentic colloquial language, spoken at normal native-speaker speed.


Enjoy your Spanish!

Many people find listening comprehension the most difficult aspect of language learning. That’s why our courses focus on authentic speech and colloquial language.

Each course consists of engaging video-lessons based on clips from popular movies, TV programmes, documentaries, or short stories in podcast format. Each lesson comes with interesting study materials and online activities linked to the videos or podcasts. You will hear authentic Spanish at normal native-speaker speed, and you’ll learn many expressions that you can use in order to sound more natural. Our virtual teachers explain the vocabulary, the expressions and some points of grammar that come up in the lessons. They also explain the historical and cultural content, which is just as important as the linguistic content when you participate in conversation with native speakers.

With these courses you can:

  • Improve your comprehension of colloquial Spanish spoken at normal native-speaker speed.
  • Learn useful new words and expressions.
  • Become familiar with various Spanish accents.
  • Improve your command of several grammar points that come up in the lesson.
  • Deepen your understanding of the history and culture of Spain and the Spanish-speaking world.

Each lesson will take 3-5 hours, depending on how often you view or listen to each lesson… multiple sessions are recommended, until you can really distinguish and understand every word without the transcription or subtitles. We also recommend that you choose a section from the transcription and read aloud along with the audio. This will help to improve your pronunciation, intonation, phrasing, and fluency.

Each lesson consists of:

  • A video in Spanish, with key words and phrases explained on-screen in English, or a podcast + annotated transcription;
  • A complete transcription in Spanish;
  • Vocabulary notes in Spanish and English;
  • Online activities in Spanish and English to help you internalize new learning;
  • Grammar notes explaining points that arise in the videos, in Spanish and English;
  • Online activities to help you evaluate your own learning, in Spanish and English..

Online activities to help you assess your own learning, in English and Spanish.

Arrugas preview thumbnail

Español con cine 1: «Arrugas»

The first lesson of this course is a free preview Try it now!

This course consists of six lessons based on clips from the prizewinning animated film «Arrugas», a moving yet amusing story about a friendship between two old men in a care home.

30€ (Plus any taxes may that apply in your country)

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Ocho apellidos thumbnail

Español con cine 2: «Ocho apellidos vascos»

You can see a short excerpt from this course here

This course is based on clips from a very popular Spanish movie about the unlikely romance between young Andalusian man and a young Basque woman. They have very sterotypical ideas about each other, and are so different that they could be from different planets. The movie is very funny and you will want to see the whole thing!

30€ (Plus any taxes may that apply in your country)

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Español con los Alcántara: «Un malentendido»

The five lessons in this course are based on clips from Cuéntame cómo pasó, a popular, prizewinning series from Televisión Española (TVE). We meet the Alcántara, a working-class family living in Madrid in the 60s. The Catholic Church still had enormous power, and contraceptive pills were available only on the black market. ​​

30€ (Plus any taxes may that apply in your country)

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Español con noticias y documentales: entrevistas y reportaje

This course is a collection of five individual lessons based on clips from television news programs. Topics include a scandal dating from the Franco era, Spain’s artistic and cultural heritage, the depopulation of rural Spain, and the reasons for the long workday in Spain.

30€ (Plus any taxes may that apply in your country)

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Español con noticias y documentales: La historia de tres regiones bilingües de España

These lessons are based on short documentary videos, delivered in an interesting visual way, about three of Spain’s autonomous communities: the Basque country, Catalunya, and Galicia. You’ll learn a lot of vocabulary that you can use when reading newspapers, watching TV news and documentaries, and discussing historical and current events.

30€ (Plus any taxes may that apply in your country)

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podcasts miniatura

Español con podcasts 1: «El cardumen» y otros cuentos»

The first lesson in this course is a free preview. Try it now!

Our first podcast course is based on a collection of short stories by Júlia Rodríguez Solera, a writer from Barcelona. We explain the vocabulary, expressions and grammar points that come up in the lesson. We also explain the cultural context, which is just as important as the language when it comes to participating in real conversations with native speakers.

30€ (Plus any taxes may that apply in your country)

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Special offer! Save when you buy packs of courses

cine TV y audio thumbnail

Real Spanish Course Pack 1: Español con cine y TV

This pack consists of 3 courses:

Español con cine 1: «Arrugas»

Español con cine 2: «Ocho appellidos vascos»

Español con los Alcántara: «Un malentendido»

81€ (Plus any taxes may that apply in your country)

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noticias  docmentales thumbnail

Real Spanish Course Pack 2: Español con noticias y documentales

This pack consists of 2 courses:

Español con noticias y documentales 1: Entrevistas y reportajes

Español con noticias y documentales 2: La historia de tres regiones bilingües de España

54€ (Plus any taxes may that apply in your country)

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Would you like to suggest topics for new courses? Get in touch, we’d love to hear from you!

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Online Spanish courses for people who are serious about improving their Spanish.

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