This is the transcription of the video above. In this video we explain various Spanish expressions with the verb «echar». We recommend that you view the video several times, with and without the transcription, until you understand and can distinguish every word. It’s also useful to read aloud, chiming in with the instructor. In this way you can improve your pronunciation and intonation.
If you’d like to just listen to the audio, you can find it on Soundcloud.
English transcription of the video:
Hi! I’m Inés Alba, from Real Spanish.
I’m sure you already know the expression echar de menos. This expression is used mostly in Spain because in Latin America they usually say extrañar.
The verb echar has different meanings in Spanish. It can mean throwing something, putting on adding or applying some product, or adding (salt etc.). It can also be used with the meaning of firing someone from work.
This verb can be used with the preposition a and an infinitive to express the abrupt start of an action. For example: echar a correr (to set off at a run) or echarse a llorar (to burst into tears).
There are also many colloquial expressions with the verb echar. For example, do you know the expression «echar algo en cara»? It means to reproach or accuse someone (to throw it in someone’s face). That is, if someone has misbehaved with you, you can address this person to express your complaint about their behavior.
Another widely used expression is echarse atrás which means to back out of an agreement, a deal or a promise.
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