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About Real Spanish

Here you can meet the creative team at Real Spanish, learn how the idea came up in the first place, and read the opinions of some of our users.

About Us

We are a team of freelancers who create the lessons in Real Spanish. We live in various Hispanic countries and we are all native speakers of Spanish (except one, a dedicated student of Spanish who had the idea in the first place)


Elizabeth Coelho

teacher (Canada/Spain)


Gema Sánchez Benítez

teacher (Spain)


Marta Baonza Jerez

voiceover (Spain)


Salvador Gonzáles

voiceover (Spain)

Martin locutor

Martín Quiró

voiceover (Spain)


Natalia Pisano Fernández

video editor (Argentina/España)

Ariana edicion video

Ariana Acosta

video editor (Venezuela/Estados Unidos)

Martin pisano

Martín Pisanno Fernández

video editor (Argentina)

Virginia actriz

Virginia Hernández

actor (Spain)

Jose Antonio actor

José Antonio García Jerez

actor (Spain)

Inés actriz

Inés Alba

actor (Spain)

miguel actor

Miguel Ángel Conde

actor (Spain)

How I Improved my Spanish

Hi. My name’s Elizabeth and I’d like to tell you how I got the idea for Real Spanish.

When I came to live in Barcelona a few years ago, I had already taken quite a few Spanish courses. I had quite a good vocabulary and an intermediate-advanced level of grammar…
Although I have to confess that my pronunciation was terrible, and still leaves a lot to be desired.

Anyway, I was very disappointed when it came to talking with native speakers. They spoke so fast, and used so many expressions that I didn’t know! And I lacked confidence and fluency.

But one day I caught an episode of a TV series, and I was hooked. The series was really funny and used loads of colloquial language. I began to choose interesting scenes to analyse and study in depth. I watched the scene several times. This helped with my listening comprehension. Then, with the help of an online dictionary, I made a list of new words and phrases. I learned so many colloquial expressions! I also learned a lot about the history and culture of Spain.

I realised that the same approach could be used to develop engaging online Spanish courses to help other people who, like me, wanted to improve their ability to use everyday, colloquial language. And that’s how Real Spanish began.

For almost three years I’ve been working with a team of Spanish speakers, choosing short clips from films and TV, and developing learning materials and interactive activities based on the content of the clips. We also have some interactive pronunciation lessons to improve listening comprehension and fluency

online Spanish courses. Sign up to try two free sample lessons! You can also click here to view some short excerpts from other lessons. We call these mini-lessons “Real Spanish in Minutes.” As time goes by we’ll keep adding new ones.

Elizabeth - How improved my Spanish

Iglika Nikolova-Stoupak interviews Elizabeth about how she got the idea for Real Spanish, and about plans for future development of the project. Iglike has an eclectic interest in language and language learning

Iglika and her husband Alex Stoupak have their own channel, Monoglossia, where you can find videos on a wide variety of language topics; you may find us popping up on each other’s channels from time to time. If you are interested in language and languages, take a look!

Monoglossia: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYs4X…g/featured

Real Spanish: https://www.realspanish.eu/en

Interview with Elizabeth Coelho: How I got the idea for Real Spanish.


About Our Courses

About Spanish for Perfectionists

If you really want to learn from someone who has gone through learning Spanish
like you do…

Real Spanish:

Online Spanish courses for people who are serious about improving their Spanish.

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