Help with signup and login

The courses of Real Spanish are hosted on Teachable, a platform where many other course providers upload their courses. Each course provider is considered a “school”, so Real Spanish is a school on the Teachable platform. You will notice on the sign up page that you need to agree to both Teachable’s and Real Spanish’s terms of use and privacy policy.

On Real Spanish, when you click “Sign up” or “Regístrate”, you will arrive at the initial signup form. Ignore “Login with a school” and “Login with Teachable”, unless you already have a Teachable account. Put in your details and create a password.

You will receive a message of confirmation in your email. Then, to get access to the courses, select “Login” and you’ll arrive at the login form where you just put in your email address and your password.

Initial signup form

Help Sign Up

Login form

Help login

Real Spanish:

Online Spanish courses for people who are serious about improving their Spanish.

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